
Backcountry Spaghetti

Backcountry Spaghetti, oh yes. A great way to make this meal is to dehydrate the left over spaghetti sauce. That being said, there is no specific recipe we used. Use your favorite spaghetti recipe, be careful about any fat-filled meats (especially pork) and dehydrate that good stuff into a bark. Same as the Mexican mac ‘n’ Cheese, the noodles were cooked to al dente before dehydrating them.  When rehydrating, try and do it separately for a perfect sauce and lovely noodles. 

Simple Curry Couscous

Not every meal we make needs to be a culinary endeavor. We chose to do a Curry Couscous because the small grains of couscous are a quick and easy pour-over cook. This was the second easiest meal to make because most of the ingredients were premade and required no other prep. We added our dehydrated veggies and from there the meal making was smooth. 

1 serving:

100g cous cous 

½ tsp garam masala

1 ¼ tsp coconut milk powder

20g dried cranberries

24g dried veggies

22g chopped cashews/peanuts

¼ tsp cumin

¼ tsp turmeric

Pinch of salt

12 dehydrated chickpeas 

Add hot water to desired consistency and a dash of oil when ready to eat.

Ramen and Tuna

Holding a hot bowl of ramen and tuna.

The easiest meal hands down and is just as it sounds; Ramen, tuna, vegetables. The important thing here is to invest in some nice ramen for better textured noodles and a more dense calories/volume. The ramen papckets we got pack a comfortable 500 calories/packet. 

1 serving:

1 ½  ramen packets 

1 packet of flavored tuna

40g of dehydrated veggies

Add tuna at your discresion, before or after adding the hot water. In fact, the 1 ½ packets of ramen with veggies may suffice for a meal in itself. Save the tuna for an afternoon snack.