The map I created below was for a lab in my geography course. Then intention of the lab was to introduce us to, and use, features in ArcGIS such as creating new feature classes, Web Map Service (WMS), georeference an image, and create new or modify features using editing tools.


Making the map

In order to make the proposed wildlife corridor map I need to gather or create many elements myself. I created feature classes for the following: trails, streams, parking lots, viewpoints, and core habitat. The aerial photo is from a WMS, by connecting to a WMS it allows for the photo to be updated by the owner of the service. The downside of a WMS is that if you are not connected to the internet the feature will not load onto your map.

I focused primarily on McCarthy Creek Conservation Area for creating feature classes. McCarthy Creek is more than a conservation area, it is also a recreation area, meaning that there are features within the boundaries that are human created and maintained, such as trails and parking lots. In order to add these features to the map I