new years resolution

New Years Resolutions

The Kicking Horse River delivered lots of ice for new years.

New Years Resolutions, everyone has made one, but by this time of year, no one has carried out the haphazardly thought out agenda. But why? 

Is the idea of committing a whole lap around the sun while undertaking, or avoiding, a goal too much to handle? Or is it because time is a human construct and the fact that the calendar changes digits actually has little to no effect on your daily life? Forbes lists the top three reasons as:

1) It’s your consciousness that needs to change before your behavior can change-

This relates to the time is a human construct idea, the calendar changes, but you as an individual are more or less just as you were yesterday. 

2) You don’t have an accountability structure to help you sustain change-

Tracking your habits and visually recognizing where you are at in your plan has huge benefits. It doesn’t leave you questioning what days you achieved your goal last week

3) You are actually scared of, and completely resistant to, achieving this big goal and you won’t let yourself-

This is due to internal commentary and feelings, whether it be feeling flawed, worrying about leaving people behind, the new potential burden of success, or “outshining”. 

I have taken the New Years Resolution and rearranged some terms, that are more realistic and palatable. Rather than committing to 1 goal for 12 months, I have 12 goals for 1 month. What’s the point of this? Well, first off, relating to an earlier post, it is success in small bites. By accomplishing several small tasks, I have set myself up for success and gain confidence along the way by being successful. The saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” encapsulates the concept well. 

What are your 12 resolutions?! 

I will tell you, but first, there is one more caveat. Once a month has passed, and I have experienced what a month of doing whatever goal it is, there is the option to “Take it or Leave it”. If I enjoyed attaining the goal or I saw that it had great benefits, I will Take it. I’ll continue with that goal throughout the year, perhaps longer. If I didn’t find the benefit I anticipated or it wasn’t worthwhile, I’ll Leave it knowing that I did it for a month. 

The resolutions I am participating in this wonderful 12 month year are:

January - No alcohol

February - Floss every day

March - No THC

April - Daily mindfulness

May - Spend money on essentials ONLY

June/July/August - Daily Journal (On the GDT)

September - 15 minutes of yoga daily

October - Sober October

November - Stick to a morning routine

December - Vegan

So far, January has been great. By avoiding spending money on alcohol, we have saved at least over $100 (probably), haven’t had a hazy or hungover morning, and have been able to be productive on the daily. My biggest concern was social pressure to have a drink, but by bringing some flavored bubbly water, that worry was gone. It turns out that the feeling was more habitual than anything and by having a substitute in my hand I didn’t feel the urge to have a drink I anticipated. 

January is a TAKE. 


There are my 12 months of goals, each month is realistic and attainable, setting myself up for success. What are your thoughts? If you made a new years resolution like this, what would you include?